OSX Chrome WebGL fails unless console is open?

EDIT: I’ve checked on the dev (44) and beta (43) versions of Chrome and this error does not occur there. So it looks like Chrome is just going to be unity-game-free for a week or so.

I’m running into a problem with this build: https://ocias.com/games/acollectionofeyes/ erroring out right after the splash screen in Chrome 42.0.2311.90 (64-bit) on OS X, using Unity 5.0.1p1. However, if I leave the console open, it runs just fine.

If I make a new project and build it this problem doesn’t occur at all…

Here’s the error the development build gives, any ideas how to start solving this?:
warning: a problem occurred in builtin C++ name demangling; build with -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 to link in libcxxabi demanglingModule.printErr @ localhost/:33
UnityConfig.js:74 Invoking error handler due to
Uncaught abort() at Error
at jsStackTrace (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:1000:13)
at stackTrace (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:1017:22)
at Object.abort (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4567925:25)
at _abort (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:9706:22)
at _free (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4551890:3)
at __ZdlPv [operator delete()] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4546689:2)
at __ZN9Animation15UpdateAnimationEd [Animation::UpdateAnimation(double)] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:2144954:10)
at __ZN16AnimationManager6UpdateEv [AnimationManager::Update()] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:2210724:3)
at Array.__ZZN16AnimationManager15InitializeClassEvEN21LegacyAnimationUpdate7ForwardE_0v [undefined?Z()] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:2210753:2)
at Object.dynCall_v (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4562472:34)
:57553/Development/webGL.js:6898 Uncaught abort() at Error
at jsStackTrace (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:1000:13)
at stackTrace (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:1017:22)
at Object.abort (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4567925:25)
at _abort (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:9706:22)
at _free (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4551890:3)
at __ZdlPv [operator delete()] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4546689:2)
at __ZN9Animation15UpdateAnimationEd [Animation::UpdateAnimation(double)] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:2144954:10)
at __ZN16AnimationManager6UpdateEv [AnimationManager::Update()] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:2210724:3)
at Array.__ZZN16AnimationManager15InitializeClassEvEN21LegacyAnimationUpdate7ForwardE_0v [undefined?Z()] (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:2210753:2)
at Object.dynCall_v (http://localhost:57553/Development/webGL.js:4562472:34)

I’m seeing exactly the same problem on both Mac and Windows. I hilariously put my app up for testing without realizing there was any problem, because I always had my console open when I was doing development. Ha!

The same app works flawlessly in Firefox and Safari.

Same here. Same problem.

Yes, this is the bug in Chrome’s V8 where they accidentally broke asm.js content all over the place (not just ours). They plan to ship a hotfix soon, but I don’t know when.

The latest Chrome 42.0.2311.135 should fix this.

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That was fast on Google’s part. Great!

Verified. My app is working now. Nice!