OSX External Editor w/ Line Number and Column

So some of the doc’s and WIKI’s I’ve read seem to claim that on OSX Unity will pass file, line, column by default as arguments when calling an External Editor.

I’ve written an .app via Automator on OSX which just runs the shell command:

/usr/local/bin/LaunchVSCode $1 $2 $3

The corresponding LaunchVSCode shell command just does the following for testing:

echo $1 >> /tmp/log.out
echo $2 >> /tmp/log.out
echo $3 >> /tmp/log.out

$2 and $3 are always blank for me when triggering the program from Unity. ($1 is the filename as expected, but it’s fairly useless without row and column args)

Did something change here? I’m using Unity 5.0.

So I found this:

Where the Unity rep alludes in passing to the external editor needing to support some API now for this. Looking at the page he linked and Googling around for the terms he used is coming up empty handed. Can anyone shed any light on what this is talking about?

This app works (as you had already discovered) GitHub - CapnCromulent/VSCProxy: A lightweight Cocoa app to handle the Apple Event sent by Unity on opening a script file & proxying it (with line number info) to Visual Studio Code 0.5.0 . Maybe because it uses that mysterious API ?