OSX Standalone incorrectly fullscreens on Retina Display

Hi everyone,

Note: I’m using Unity Pro 3.5.7f6

Over the past several months, I integrated my company’s first game Loc, with Leap Motion. When we first developed the game we had never tested it on a “retina display”. However now that we’re updating it we need to support them, but when fullscreen is enabled the game anchors to the corner and has a flickering white border. This 1 link illustrates the problem.

I’ve done a lot of searching and tried the “AspectUtility” script, but that doesn’t seemed to have solved it. (Although it did help with a few other fullscreen issues). Additionally, I’ve found this post: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/145534-Mountain-Lion-MacBook-Pro-Retina-gt-problem-for-Unity-games but it doesn’t seem that the issue was ever resolved.

Thanks for any help!

The link you posted actually contains the solution to your problem, althoug it is only described for javascript:

if (Screen.fullScreen)
//MacBook Pro Retina 15: width = 2880 , MacBook Pro Retina 13: width = 2496 ?
//could check device model name, but not sure now about retina 13 device model name
//if last resolution is almost retina resolution...
    var resolutions : Resolution[] = Screen.resolutions;
    if (resolutions.length && resolutions[resolutions.length - 1].width > 2048)
        Screen.fullScreen = false;
        Screen.fullScreen = true;

For C# i handled this in an update function because you actually have to wait for a frame to be rendered before switching back, i did this by adding two booleans as members to my main class:

bool m_fullscreenswitched
bool m_fullscreensecond

and then did this in the Update function:

        if (Screen.fullScreen || m_fullscreensecond) {
            if (!m_fullscreenswitched && !m_fullscreensecond) {
                Screen.fullScreen = false;
                m_fullscreensecond = true;
            } else if (!m_fullscreenswitched && fullscreensecond) {
                Screen.fullScreen = true;
                m_fullscreenswitched = true;