Others can't connect to server over internet despite local connection working.

I have added basic multiplayer networking where each player can create a server or join others’. Locally, between multiple instances of the game running on my PC, this works fine. However when I host a server on my PC and my friend tries to join - and vice versa - the button which calls the joinServer() function has no effect. Locally what happens is that the buttons disappear and a character is instantiated for the joining player.

See my Network Manager and Player scripts below.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour
	private const string typeName = "VeryUniqueTopDownGame";
	private const string gameName = "join Lobby";

	private HostData[] hostList;

	public GameObject playerPrefab;
	private void StartServer()
		Network.InitializeServer(4, 25565, !Network.HavePublicAddress());
		MasterServer.RegisterHost(typeName, gameName);

	void OnServerInitialized()
		Debug.Log("Server Initializied");

	void OnGUI()
		if (!Network.isClient && !Network.isServer)
			if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 100, 250, 100), "Start Server"))
			if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100, 250, 250, 100), "Refresh Hosts"))
			if (hostList != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < hostList.Length; i++)
					if (GUI.Button(new Rect(400, 100 + (110 * i), 300, 100), hostList*.gameName))*

_ JoinServer(hostList*);_

* private void RefreshHostList()*
* {*
* MasterServer.RequestHostList(typeName);*
* }*

* void OnMasterServerEvent(MasterServerEvent msEvent)*
* {*
* if (msEvent == MasterServerEvent.HostListReceived)*
* hostList = MasterServer.PollHostList();*
* }*

* private void JoinServer(HostData hostData)*
* {*
* Network.Connect(hostData);*
* }*

* void OnConnectedToServer()*
* {*
* Debug.Log(“Connected to Server”);*
* SpawnPlayer();*
* }*

* private void SpawnPlayer()*
* {*
* Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), Quaternion.identity, 0);*
* }*

## PlayerMobility.cs ##
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerMobility : MonoBehaviour
* public float speed;*

* void Start ()*
* {*

* }*

* void Update ()*
* {*

* }*

* void FixedUpdate ()*
* {*
* if(networkView.isMine)*
* {*
* var mousePosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.mousePosition);*

* Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation (transform.position - mousePosition, Vector3.forward);*

* transform.rotation = rot;*
* transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3 (0, 0, transform.eulerAngles.z);*
* rigidbody2D.angularVelocity = 0;*

* //Movement toward/away from the mouse*
* float verticalInput = Input.GetAxis (“Vertical”);*
_ rigidbody2D.AddForce (gameObject.transform.up * speed * verticalInput);_

* //Strafing around the mouse*
* float horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis (“Horizontal”);*
_ rigidbody2D.AddForce (gameObject.transform.right * speed/2 * horizontalInput);_
* }*

* }*

* void OnSerializeNetworkView(BitStream stream, NetworkMessageInfo info)*
* {*
* Vector3 syncPosition = Vector3.zero;*

* if (stream.isWriting)*
* {*
* syncPosition = rigidbody2D.position;*
* stream.Serialize(ref syncPosition);*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* stream.Serialize(ref syncPosition);*
* rigidbody2D.position = syncPosition;*
* }*
* }*

Any ideas as to why this may not be working would be greatly appreciated,

You’ll need to port forward port 25565 on the network hosting the server, Master Server alone won’t handle this for you!