Our World Smartphone AR Geolocation Game - Help Required - Thanks! :)

Hi, we are looking to build a tribe of developers (mostly Unity & .NET) to help build a geolocation XR game we have been in the process of creating. The game is called Our World.

Our World is an exciting immersive next generation 3D XR/IR (Infinite Reality) educational game/platform/social network/ecosystem teaching people on how to look after themselves, each other and the planet using the latest cutting-edge technology.

View full job spec here:


In Love, Light & Hope,
The Our World Team

P.S Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place, where is the best place to find Unity Devs (both paid and Open Source). Thank you.

You want Unity Connect.

Though I’ll warn you, omitting any hint at pay information (and making brassy claims like "Ready Player One’s Oasis is only 40% of what we’re doing) makes this look sketchy.