So not sure what I’m doing wrong: I made a new project. I imported SteamVR. Then I imported your asset. I copied the TagManager into ProjectSettings, and deleted both the nonVR folders.
Then I made a build of your VR demo scene, and only one eye renders the portals. The other eye has them just black. Any ideas?
Edit: Also, does the order of the layers matter? Or do we only need to make sure all the names are in the list?
I bought this asset because you said that it supports Single Pass Stereo – but it does not. SPSR gives a 30-40% framerate boost in most cases, and it absolutely critical for my project – if you could update it, that’d be amazing.
Hey, sorry I didn’t see this until just now! I was checking support emails but not Unity Forums posts. This was due to a bug that has since been fixed.
It should support Single-Pass Stereo, as I developed the asset using it. A bug some users are reporting is that single-pass can be bugged with the scene view open. Please let me know if this works for you!
Looks like a part of steamVR and/or Unity updated. I’m working on fixing it now.
If it is absolutely critical that it must work right away, I would be able to process you a refund. I’m sorry that something didn’t work that was advertised, but that’s dependancies for ya.
Yep! It works with VR and Non VR applications equally well. When you first start up the asset it asks you to set it up for one or the other, and the guide makes it super easy
i recently purchased the portal kit pro. and on unity 5.5.1 the demo scenes were rendering the portals correctly. then i set up a new project under unity 5.6 and followed the quick setup guide in the manual and i don’t know what i’m doing wrong, but my portals aren’t rendering properly. i should also add my portals don’t render properly in the provided demo scenes
after pressing play with just a default camera, positioned to observe both PortalSpawner objects in the scene.
after putting in an FPSCharacterController, giving it a Teleportable component, and walking through one of the portals, this happened.
i tried the various notes and settings, but nothing seemed to give any result. i was wondering what am i missing, or mayeb it’s a 5.6 thing?
On occasion I seem to collide with something when I pass through the portals – this keeps it from being 100% seamless. I think it might be just when I’m moving through them at high-speed – any thoughts?
And, is there an ETA on portal recursions? The black replacement material at the moment is a pretty jarring effect – if I could recurse even just 1 time, it would drastically reduce the jarring factor.
Other notes – Portal cameras seem to ignore global fog set in the Lighting window. Trails don’t properly make it through the portal, if you portal from one side of the room to the other, the trail will draw the entire length.
It took a bit but I got a nice way to make a third person camera fly through the portal correctly while still lerping. I parented the player to the camera, cached the camera’s local position on start, and then lerped the camera’s local position to the cached local position + a new vector 3 (I used the Rigidbody velocity as an offset here) and the effect comes out sorta nice.
Heyo! If you wouldn’t mind contacting me at with all the details of your build, I can get to helping you right away. I don’t check this thread very often but I do actively monitor the support emails.
It looks like you might have an issue with your UV settings- Try checking the “My portals are upsidown” tickbox on your GlobalPortalSettings prefab. Let me know if that fixes it for ya!
Portal recursions are soonish. They actually work now… mostly. They are imperfect. If you want to force it, go to your GloobalPortalSettings script and set recursionNumber to a higher value. Currently only portal pairs can recurse, to avoid polynomial complexity rendering. I’m not sure why you would collide with anything while entering a portal, but if high speeds are an issue then try increasing the PortalTrigger’s size on your portal prefab.
I’m not sure about the Global Fog issue or what could cause it, but I’m looking into it now. If you’re using deferred rendering, then ensure that the Portal’s cameras are also rendering in deferred on the prefab.
Finally, for the third person camera control, I would recommend looking into an animation curve for the movement, controlled by distance to the portal- That, or a simple script to make the camera look at the player and then pull in closely. You can make it inherit from TeleportableScript to get info on portals that any teleportable object is close to.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please e-mail me at I’ll respond significantly faster than I will here.
For everyone with this asset- if you want the portals to run even quicker, please vote on this ticket! Near Oblique Clipping Planes being broken for occlusion can really trash performance depending on the scene type, and as much as I have tried it’s not an issue that I am able to fix.
So I updated the plugin recently, and it seems like the teleport aspect of going through the portals is no longer working (even in any of the demo scenes). Any information on this?
Forgot to update in the thread, but I sent you an email with a patch for your specific issue
(this next patch streamlines the hell out of the import process, and makes custom layers so much easier. yay!)
Recent purchaser.
I’m having a little trouble with (I think) the portal shader.
I’m using the default portal prefabs and the camera from the demo scene (with a few additional components).
The mesh on the default portals is a “Quad”, but what it looks like I’m getting in the scene is a cube that’s black on the outside with the portal rendering on the inside (If I move the camera inside the portal I can see through it).
The portal is the black rectangle, and then I move the camera through it and you get a glimpse of what should be through the portal.
This happens both in the Unity editor (5.6.2) and on iOS (11). I’m using the Unity ARKit asset, which (I believe) requires Metal, but I’ve also included OpenGLES 2 and 3 in player settings… not sure if that matters, but thought it might since it seems like a shader / masking issue. (I’ve tried with an without portal masks, and tried different masks.)
Hey there! I just responded to your support ticket (I only check here like once every couple of weeks, since questions about the asset seem to have died down, and I think that your problem was related to you setting up your cameras- It’s an easy step to miss in the documentation if you’re in a hurry to get it working and see how cool it looks ^^