Is there’s any plan official will make baking high quality lighting much more easier without require to do insane amount of tuning and hack and also getting super optimized lightmap for mobile platform specially android out of the box? And also giving best default mobile and desktop configuration to start with.
Hi @optimise , thanks for your question.
This is a really interesting topic of discussion right now. Firstly, I’d open by saying that the problem is more complicated than it first seems. The dimensionality of the problem incudes permutations related to huge number of game types people build, performance budgets and the stratification of the mobile platform space. These make it almost impossible to give people a concise list of global presets to apply Scene-wide. We’ve done a lot of thinking around this, and the number of presets needed just explode combinatoriality. We want to be reducing choice, not increasing it.
What we may be able to do in a more satisfactory way, is provide a reasonable selection of presets for closely-related setting “groupings”. For example, lightmap sampling quality, probe sampling quality, lightmap resolution and filtering as semantically-linked areas.
Within these groupings, it would be possible to find sensible defaults in presets like “accurate / balanced / fast” or “high / medium / low”. This would give people a good starting basis from which to setup their Scenes. Tutorials and documentation then providing the guidance users need combine these presets in ways that were appropriate to their specific need.
I believe this would unlock a lot of value for folks struggling to find the settings to get started. I’m certainly interesting to hear what yon think about these proposals in relation to your own projects.
Present is one of the nice thing. To push even further consider improve lighting tools to next level that make it much easier to get the best possible result. You can refer to how this asset done as good starting point ( But still most importantly by default the lighting tool should auto solve most of the lighting issues that no light leaking issue, bad light baking quality and etc. And also provide much more debug tooling to help developer to quickly detect which part goes wrong and solve the issue that can’t solve automatically.