Outcast Reboot HD

Hi all ! I did not see any news about this in the forums so I will post about it here.

The video game loved by many called Outcast is trying to get an HD reboot and needs us to help. They have started a KickStarter today and within 2 hours of starting they got $28,000 ! Now they have $61,772.

If you like this game please help make this series come back in full force with even more greatness ! They will make even more Outcast games if they get enough pledges ! So please pledge so that we can play some more of these awesome games !



I loved Outcast! Might take a look into this…

What platforms are you aiming for? You mention on the main page that many on your Team have worked on Vita and so does your engine. Will you be considering Vita if the game gets to your goal?

@icurafu You’d have to ask them as I am just a fan and not a part of their team. I don’t think they see this thread at all so your best bet is to ask them directly through the kickstarter page or their twitter or facebook pages if you want an answer about that. IMO, I think they will go on all platforms if they get enough pledges 'cos they state that on their kickstarter page.

They have reached over $100,000 already now all within 24 hours of starting their kickstarter project !!

Thank you everyone for reading this thread !

@icurafu I took the liberty of asking him myself about your question. He replied to me: " the reboot will not be on the vita, only next gen platforms, but that doesn’t mean there will never be an outcast game on the vita "

The kickstarter is now at $119,543 !

Thanks again everyone for reading this thread !

I just made this Outcast Promo song. It’s called Outcast Promo

Download it for free at the bottom of this page:http://unity3d.ca/?page_id=1698

My Outcast Reboot HD Promo techno music video is done:

It’s a shame they did not make a little game demo to attract new fans for this kickstarter. I think that would have helped them with their kickstarter project. It does not look like they will reach their kickstarter goal this time. They still have 11 days to go and they have only gotten $232k+ out of their $600k goal ! Maybe next time they try a kickstarter they will succeed !

The Outcast game from 1999 is one of my favorite games of all time. It’s too bad such an awesome game is going unnoticed.

So weird I never played the original. I didn’t back the Kickstart though since I’m already committed to 3 other kickstarts. Perhaps they are a victim of bad timing? Also, they do not seem to update their kick very often. I would’ve liked to see more concepts, info about the game, etc.

I really loved the Wakfu kickstarter. They updated once a day til the end of the campaign. Was awesome

Wow ! At least they got Greenlit in just 4 days !

Is that a world record to get Greenlit in just 4 days ? I don’t know but I read a year ago someone got Greenlit in 5 days and at the time that was the world record !

The game will be available on Steam when it’s done ! >>Steam Community :: Error