Outline Custom pass issues

I am trying to have outline effect using the latest custom pass examples from here:

It works just fine in the editor but in standalone build, the screen turns grey.

Does anyone know a workaround?


Your issue is probably caused by a missing shader in your build. Because the outline script search do a Shader.Find, it is never referenced anywhere and thus unity don’t know that it’s needed in build.
To fix your issue, you can either add it to the always included shader or move the Outline.shader to a Resources folder.

We’ll update the documentation script so the issue don’t happens anymore :slight_smile:

I’ve tried adding it to always included shaders and to move the shader file to Resources folder, but still no joy.

If you build in debug mode, do you have any errors ?

Strange thing, I removed the shader from the Resources folder and removed the shaders from the always included list.

Then I built a standalone. Grey screen, so same as always.

Then I built it in dev mode → now it works.

Pretty strange…

So, I tried non-dev mode standalone again. Then grey screen.

Another update: I reported render textures not working in this thread

this too works in dev mode.

just checked with 7.1.7, same results.

Funny thing is, it used to display black screen, now it renders bright grey.


We finally identified the error that was causing custom passes in after post process to render black/grey screen in non-dev build and the fix is coming (should be in for the 7.2.0), you can track the PR here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline/pull/5429

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just checked with 7.1.8 and the issue is still there. I know antoinel said 7.2.0 but just wanted to let people know as I got to test 7.1.8
