Outline using QuickOutline looks strange


I am using Quick Outline for a selection outline, which is here: Quick Outline | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store

For some reason, when a ship is selected, it looks like this:

As you can see, the outline is only on the top of the ship. And doesn’t cover the entire ship.

The weird thing, when I import the exact ship prefab manually on its own, somewhere randomly in the world, the outline fixes itself. Then I can delete the prefab and the correct outline will still show up. This however does not carry over when I close and open Unity. Here’s an example of the outline being fine after an import:


I’d like to specify, after the prefab is imported I do not use that prefab as control, the prefab above is an instantiated prefab and both images are instantiated the exact same way. Just the bottom image had me manually import the prefab prior to screenshotting.

I instantiate it the following way:

Instantiate(shipPrefabs[0], new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

The outline asset settings are:

  • Red, 255 Alpha
  • Outline Width: 4
  • Precompute Outline: Checked (I’ve tried both enabled and disabled for this)
  • Outline Type: Outline and Silhouette

If anyone knows why this is happening, I’d really appreciate it! Maybe it’s something I’m not familiar with, in regards to shaders or model importing.

After struggling since yesterday and finally getting to posting a question… I may have solved it. Though not sure if this is a bad solution so someone please let me know.

It seems it works after enabling read/write on the imported Mesh properties. Not sure why this works, though, as it’s doing the same “modifications” to the mesh whether or not I place down the prefab in the world.