Output game to 8 fullHD devices


I hope this it the correct forum to post this question.
I was asked to create a very simple game which has to be distributed to 8 different HD screens. Since I do not yet have much experience with multiple monitors and Unity, I’m not sure how to do it. At the moment I have 8 different cameras and every cam use a different display in Unity.
I can either:

  • use multiple GPU’s each with 4 monitor outputs
  • use a big GPU which can output 8k and split this output with some sort of splitter to the sceens (is this possible at all?)

I’d apppreciate any additional info. Thanks a lot.

I have not seen a option for a Splitting device so you could go with 2 GPU’s with 4 Outputs each.
I have done multible Displays on one GPU only so far (using the unity Multi Display option or nvidia Surround) so im not sure what the performance implications are.

Thanks for the feedback. Would be interesting if Unity supports multiple GPU’s out of the box. I was unable to find any info about it.

I’m not sure what Unity supports as far as multiple independent GPU’s simultaneously, but I’ve never seen anything mentioned. The typical gaming rig with multiple GPU’s would have them all linked together with something like NVidia SLI. SLI supports up to 4 GPU’s, and in SLI mode they are all presented to the game as a single interface rather than 4 individual GPU’s.

So you could consider building a monster gaming rig with 4 graphics cards, each with connectors to 2 monitors, link them all together in SLI mode, and then in Unity you’d use multi-display. Multi-display conveniently supports up to 8 monitors.

This is all just a guess on how I might approach it. I haven’t done anything like this. Note that a gaming rig of that caliber would be expensive, and one that supports 4 graphics cards would need a beefy power supply and a specialized motherboard (since most gaming motherboards have support for 2 graphics cards, not 4).

I would think building a networked game and using 8 separate computers would be something with more mass appeal and easier to manage, but I might not understand what the customer is going for.

Ah, great that sounds good. As much as I know there are some NVIDIA cards which support up to 4 outputs, so 2 of them should be fine.

We are trying to build an app with 2 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 (4 video outputs each) it generally works. But after a while, the application doesn’t load properly. Interestingly enough, the 4 displays version of the app works fine, but as soon as we plug in an extra screen and try to start the application it doesn’t load one of the screens which crashes the whole process.