outside variables manipulate in Unity editor

Hi community code works fine however i want to be able to edit the yield variable time in the unity editor to speed up testing for example less or more time…How do I make it accessible outside the script?

var page1 : GameObject;
var page2 : GameObject;

function Start () {

yield new WaitForSeconds(7);
page1.gameObject.active = false;
page2.gameObject.active = true;
yield  new WaitForSeconds(24);
page2.gameObject.active = false;

var pauseTime1 : float = 7.0;
var pauseTime2 : float = 24.0;

var page1 : GameObject;
var page2 : GameObject;

function Start () {
	yield new WaitForSeconds(pauseTime1);
	page1.gameObject.active = false;
	page2.gameObject.active = true;
	yield new WaitForSeconds(pauseTime2);
	page2.gameObject.active = false;

Cheers Buddy for the quickresponce :smile:

Hi out of interest what does the class “float” do?
it is a class right?

a float makes the variable able to contain numbers with decimals, otherwise it will round it.

cheers for the headsup :smile:

I think technically that float is a type and not a class (whereas String is a class).

Classes have methods and properties…

var x : String = “hello world”;

print( “x is " + x.length + " chars long” );

Types don’t – they’re more fundamental.