Outward - The Adventurer Life Simulator

Outward is an open world RPG that want to simulate what the life of an adventurer would feel like. Players will have to hunt to get food, find water source to drink and setup camps to have a shelter for the night.

Player’s inventory will be divided in two parts. His/her character inventory, named the pouch, which will be extremely limited, like a couple of weapons, a few potions and herbs. Most of the inventory will be put in the second part, the backpack. Though also limited, the bag’s capacity will be much higher than the pouch.

We also want to bag to be able to receive damage. Receiving a hit while wearing your backpack could damage it, reducing it’s capacity and stuff falling from it. It will be possible to put the bag down while exploring and fighting, then returning back to get it and then put loot in it.

The world
For design purpose and software limitation, we have decided to divide or world into medium sized zone. Outward won’t be a seamless world but will have several areas with dimension around 2km by 2km. Travelling between each areas would require the player to use a caravan, boat or other traveling options. Moving from an area to another would be done instantly in term of real life time, but would take a few to several in game days. So the player would need to have enough provision to complete his/her journey.

Having areas divided that way will allow us to make completely different biomes without having to worry about the transition. Those areas will also have changing weather depending of the climate. Desert could have sandstorm, tempered zone would have rain, and colder area would have snow. So far we are just tackled the later.

Update April 21st -----
Also, the snow will melt if there is a heat source close to it (such as a fire sigil or fire ball).

Exploring such vast world would be even better with friends. That’s why we decided to make Outward coop compatible. Players will be able to play together on both online and splitscreen, a feature that tends to be put aside these days.

To play online, a player will put a request on a job board in inns that other players will be able to see and join if they want. The client will then join the “host” world “à la Dark Souls”. Players playing in splitscreen will also have the option to share the same world and progression.

Update April 21st: ----
An option we want to add to the Online coop is a way to play splitscreen. Yup, you have read right. We will allow players to see what your coop partner is seeing by simulating splitscreen over the network.

There is still a lot to talk about, like the factions, the skills and spells, quests and dialogues, etc. I will come into that in future updates. Stay tuned!

You can follow us on our Facebook page

The game is on greenlight, feel free to thumbs-up it :slight_smile: EDIT: We have been Greenlit in 7 days!


That looks very nice!

I’m a big fan of that weather system.

I’m going to be keeping track of the progress on this for sure.

This just looks incredible. The animations are very, very good. How big is your team?

That menu screen is beautiful.

Thank you very much! You are making the day of our animator.

We are currently a team of 6
-The Ceo and Game Designer
-2 programmers
-1 Lead artist
-1 Animator
-1 Modeler

Well he deserves it. I mean I assume the rest of you deserve it as well but I haven’t played it so I don’t know how well everything is done. But animation is very obvious when its done badly so your animator is very good.

Looking forward to seeing this game progress!

This is very interesting looking.

The very first thing this made me think of when I read the description and saw the banner was the very first 3 books in the Dragon Lance series, the Chronicles trilogy. The game world doesn’t really portray that setting or anything, but the description and banner has some kind of subliminal connection.
If you’ve never read - the Chronicles trilogy is a great series.

Good luck guys. Will follow this development closely.

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Is it the trilogy with the season in their name, like ‘Dragons of Autumn something’? I remember reading them during my teenage time. Good trilogy indeed.

I should get an update soon regarding the snow and some other stuff.

Yeah - that’s them. :slight_smile:

Good reads.
Your description really made me think of the trials the original group faced when starting out on the journey in the very first book. Anyway, looking forward to the update.

very nice, keep it up

I added some new infos about the online coop and some melting snow!

Fellow dev from Quebec here (Montreal) - I had no clue this was made in Unity a friend of mine showed me the kickstarter a few days back and I find this project very impressive!!!

You have my support and admiration, keep up the good work!!

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Here are animations made by our talented animator. These are rendered in Blender.

Adventurer animations

Alpha deer animations

Animations are very nice, especially the attack animations. Very nice anticipation and moving holds.

Deer don’t scratch at the ground with there back feet when there heads are down. They may do that with one front hoof but not the back. May want to edit that movement.

Nice work.

Been a little while since we posted something regarding Outward. The game is still in development. We have received funding through the Canadian Media Fund!

Here is a video of a couple armors and a few weapons that are currently being developed.


This looks very very good, can’t wait to see more. Everything seems very fluid and smooth, and the terrain is good looking and seems like realistic geography.

I’m passing the good words to our animator.

For the terrain, we are using World Machine, it’s much better than Unity’s default terrain system :stuck_out_tongue:

impressive stuff, like the animations.

The world is starting to shape. We (almost) have completed the first village and we started to flesh out the first open area of the game. It is mostly non-interactable flora, but we will add something to hunt and a predator (probably some kind of hyena) and a few bushes that you can gather berries from quite soon.

Note that there is some bandits roaming the area too but aren’t shown in the video.

Looks really good, are you using assets or is this all made by your studio?