So I’m getting these errors randomly on clients using the 1.0.0-pre.6 version of netcode for gameobjects. Is there any way to debug this or any known common mistakes in how you set things up that leads to this issue?
OverflowException: t = -0.126204 but must be >= 0. range 0.0366905444394661, RenderTime 377.922721211209, Start time 377.927351705907, end time 377.964042250346
at Unity.Netcode.BufferedLinearInterpolator`1[T].Update (System.Single deltaTime, System.Double renderTime, System.Double serverTime) [0x00079] in ...\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.6\Components\Interpolator\BufferedLinearInterpolator.cs:189
at Unity.Netcode.Components.NetworkTransform.Update () [0x00136] in ...\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.netcode.gameobjects@1.0.0-pre.6\Components\NetworkTransform.cs:900
I start a server/host from a menu scene and load into a level in single mode using the NetworkManager.Scenemanager.
The things I have in the scenes right now is 15 entities with these networked components (NetworkObject, NetworkTransform, NetworkRigidBody).
When a client connects I spawn an networked object with these networked components (NetworkObject, NetworkTransform) from the server/host using SpawnAsPlayerObject.
The 15 networked scene objects are moved with a NavMeshAgent on the server/host side and everything looks fine. But as I said at random times there is a bunch of errors spewing out in the log.