Overlap in Google Chrome and Safari

Hi. I’m have a trouble using unity player in Google Chrome and Safari browsers. The player overlapping all pop up windows and other elements with css property position absolute or fixed.

Have anyone the same problem? And how I can fix it?


Due to the way we do 3d accelerated rendering into a browser window, correctly layering with other html elements is not generally possible in all situation. With some new browser technologies, the situation is improving, on the mac it should currently work in Safari 5 and Firefox 4, and Google is going to fix Mac Chrome to make it work there as well. I’m not quite up-to-date on the windows situation, as we spent a lot of time trying to make it work better, but generally, you cannot (yet) expect it to work everywhere. That’s why people typically resort to (annoying) workarounds, like resizing the web player to 1 x 1 and displaying a static image in it’s place when there is need to interact with other html objects in the same space on the page.

I hope that as browsers and Unity improve we’ll eventually have a solution which just works everywhere, but we’re not quite there yet.

All current mac browsers should work. We spent a lot of time trying to make it work on windows, but eventually gave up, as there does not seem to be a way to reliably do layering on windows with good performance.