Overlapped Meshes = Bright, Ghosted Edges (Inspector Window)

The YouTube video contains the problem in detail.

A fitting solution would be one of the following:

  • Fix ‘Forward’ so it does not ‘additive blend’ faces
  • Fix ‘Deferred Shading’ so it is not all black.
  • Fix ‘Deferred Lighting’ so it is not all black.


EDIT: I solved the probelm with ‘Deferred Shading’!

Turns out, setting the near-clipping plane to 0.000001 was a bad idea. I assume the depth map gets screwed up with such a close clipping plane. I set the clipping plane from Near=0.5 → Far=10 and the light totally came back.

pru.camera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.DeferredShading;
pru.camera.nearClipPlane = 0.5F;      // Was 0.00001F (bad)
pru.camera.farClipPlane = 10F;

That also solved the goofy ‘glowing edges’ problem as well!

tldr; ‘Deferred Shading’ is the way to go - don’t make the nearClipPlane too small!