how can i get a fast moving collider with trigger to only broadcast one onTriggerEnter if it has entered a space with overlapping colliders?
ive tried destroying itself, turning it inactive, using a counter... this all seems not to matter because as you enter a frame (an update), if the trigger now entered multiple colliders space in that frame (update), it will broadcast immediately to every object there at the same time instead of succession.
This is a SERIOUS hack way to do it... but maybe it'll jostle an even better idea out of you (and please let me know if you find a better way... I could use it myself!).
Create an empty gameobject to serve as a counter, and store a "collision number" in it, along with a "current number" (I'm using an integer). Cache this object in each of your colliding objects. Upon colliding, the object requests a collision number from the counter object. The counter object increments the current number and sends it and the original number. If the current number is more than one more than the original number, then that is the second (or greater) collision (and is ignored). I then increment my original number and set the current number as the last thing in the process (so that old collisions don't get acted upon... they shouldn't anyway, but...).
I have very few objects at the moment, so the overhead is not large (this might not work if you've got lots of colliders). Also, you should be able to do all of the decision-making on the counter object and just send a boolean response... I didn't implement it that way simply because I'm using it for a proof-of-concept and not actual production code.