Overlapping Tile

I’m new to unity and just starting to play around with the Tilemap feature. I’ve very quickly run into some visual bugginess.

To experiment a little I added three tiles: grass, dirt, and a tree. The tree is a bit larger than a standard tile and is intended to overlap the tile above it to simulate perspective (Using Sort Order: Top Left).

The problem is that while it properly overlaps the grass tile at the top (and oddly enough even at the bottom), the dirt tile overlaps it on all sides, cropping off both the top and bottom and completely ruining the illusion of perspective. The tiles are identical in terms of settings and they aren’t on different layers.

What I also discovered is that this unwanted overlap only occurs if any tree tile(s) (not just those affected) are placed above the middle of the camera. The first attached image shows how it should look. It works because there are no trees in the upper part of the tilemap. The second shows what happens if I add a tree in the upper area. In both cases the trees look fine over top of the grass, but in the bottom image (with a tree added above) the dirt tile completely crops any trees it surrounds.

I’m not sure if it has something to do with the camera, layers, Z position or is just a glitch but I’m curious if anyone else is running into similar issues. I thought this might just be a visual glitch in the Scene editor but it also appears in the Game view as well.

Anyone run into similar issues? Any input is appreciated.

Hi @dlange83

“The tiles are identical in terms of settings and they aren’t on different layers.”

Sorry if I got this somehow wrong, I did read your post very quickly, but why not just add the prop style objects into another layer, which renders over base tiles? Like trees, big rocks, buildings etc.

eses, thanks. Yeah I thought of that and it’s sort of a fix, but I’ve had the issue occur with tiles that would also be on the same layer.

For example I created a new project and had the same issue with two tree and bush tiles I was using on a “Barriers” layer. Rather than overlap according to the Sort Order (Top Left) a bush placed behind (higher up on the tilemap) a tree would still overlap the top of the tree instead of appearing behind it.

And again it had the weird side behavior of reversing this effect if I placed a bush tile in the upper part of the map.

That last bit of weirdness is what makes me think it’s either a bug or something to do with the camera. That randomness and inconsistency is what’s confusing. But again, I’m new to unity and the tilemap so maybe I’m missing something, idk.

I want to know how to fix this but I’m also curious to know why this is happening.

This is exactly my problem too. Is this intended, a bug or maybe I’m doing something wrong?

if the tile is bigger then a normal tile and it looks like it is then make it two tiles and put each part on its own layer and then you can control the position of each part…

her is a split brush editor that draws and erases two tiles at once each on different layers and offsets

using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityEngine.Tilemaps
    [CustomGridBrush(false, true, false, "Split Brush")]
    public class SplitBrush : GridBrush
        public TileBase Back;
        public string BackName = "Back";
        public Tilemap BackTilemap;
        public Vector2Int BackOffset;
        public TileBase Fore;
        public string ForeName = "Fore";
        public Tilemap ForeTilemap;
        public Vector2Int ForeOffset;
        public override void Paint(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position)
            if (BackTilemap != null && ForeTilemap != null)
                var bp = new Vector3Int(position.x + BackOffset.x, position.y + BackOffset.y, position.z);
                BackTilemap.SetTile(bp, Back);
                BackTilemap.SetTransformMatrix(bp, Matrix4x4.identity);
                var fp = new Vector3Int(position.x + ForeOffset.x, position.y + ForeOffset.y, position.z);
                ForeTilemap.SetTile(fp, Fore);
                ForeTilemap.SetTransformMatrix(fp, Matrix4x4.identity);
        public override void Erase(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position)
            if (BackTilemap != null && ForeTilemap != null)
                var bp = new Vector3Int(position.x + BackOffset.x, position.y + BackOffset.y, position.z);
                BackTilemap.SetTile(bp, null);
                BackTilemap.SetTransformMatrix(bp, Matrix4x4.identity);
                var fp = new Vector3Int(position.x + ForeOffset.x, position.y + ForeOffset.y, position.z);
                ForeTilemap.SetTile(fp, null);
                ForeTilemap.SetTransformMatrix(fp, Matrix4x4.identity);
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
namespace UnityEditor
    public class SplitBrushEditor : GridBrushInspector
        private SplitBrush Brush => target as SplitBrush;
        public override void PaintPreview(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position)
            var b = Brush;
            var maps = brushTarget?.transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<Tilemap>();
            for (var i = 0; i < maps.Length; i++)
                var map = maps[i];
                var name = map.name;
                if (name == b.BackName)
                    var p = new Vector3Int(position.x + b.BackOffset.x, position.y + b.BackOffset.y, position.z);
                    map.SetEditorPreviewTile(p, b.Back);
                    map.SetEditorPreviewTransformMatrix(p, Matrix4x4.identity);
                    b.BackTilemap = map;
                else if (name == b.ForeName)
                    var p = new Vector3Int(position.x + b.ForeOffset.x, position.y + b.ForeOffset.y, position.z);
                    map.SetEditorPreviewTile(p, b.Fore);
                    map.SetEditorPreviewTransformMatrix(p, Matrix4x4.identity);
                    b.ForeTilemap = map;
        public override void ClearPreview()
            var b = Brush;
            if (b != null)
                if (b.BackTilemap != null)
                if (b.ForeTilemap != null)
        public override GameObject[] validTargets
                var brush = Brush;
                var list = from map in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Tilemap>()
                           where (map.gameObject.name == brush.BackName) || (map.gameObject.name == brush.ForeName)
                           select map.gameObject;
                return list.ToArray();

Okay guys, this problem is solved in Unity 2018.3 beta, you just have to enable the “Individual” mode of the Tilemap Renderer :slight_smile: