Overriding App icon string for Android builds

There’s lots of Obsolete information regarding how you can override unity’s default android:label=“@string/app_name” for different translations.

Can someone provide me with a method (even basic steps) of what is needed to override this?

Android\res doesn’t work (Obsolete)

Minimal Android\LocalizedName project doesn’t work (it’s included just ignored)

Anyone achieved this (without using the compiled plugin on the store?)


You can override the default android:label=“@string/app_name” for different languages this way: (tested on Unity 5.5.1p2)

Unity creates a strings.xml file by default which contains the Product Name that you set in the Unity Editor in Player Settings > Product Name That string you mention is found in that strings.xml resource file (which is found in the res/values/ folder in the generated Android project).

To add support for more locales, you must create additional directories inside res/ each directory’s name should adhere to the following format:

resource type-b+language code+country code

For example, the folder values-b+es contains string resources for locales with the language code es (Spanish), inside each folder will go a strings.xml file with the texts on each language.

You can add the new locales inside your Unity project creating the following directory structure:

-> Plugins
   -> Android
		  ->strings.xml  (with your text in english)
		  ->strings.xml  (with your text in spanish)
		  ->strings.xml  (with your text in french)

I attached a basic Android Unity project as an example, also you can find more info on localization on Android here: Support different languages and cultures  |  Android Developers

