Overtorque Stunt Racing game black screen?

So I don’t know how long it’s been happening but for a while whenever you click play in overtorque stunt racing the game box screen thing goes black. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to fix this or if it has to do with the unity plugin? I’ve tried playing it on several websites and it happens at the same place on every website. There are a lot of games I love to play that require unity, and I’d love to continue playing this one. Screenshots provided in the link: Overtorque black screen - Album on Imgur

on the website YEPI I clicked play “overtorque stunt racing” and it keeps saying that I have to install UNITY WEB PLAER I did but then it still says that then I refresh the page then I close the page and open it again and still does it. I don’t know what to do? so pls help?! :frowning:

The only browsers that still supports the unity Web Player are Internet Explorer 11 on windows and Safari on MacOSX.
This forum does not provide user support for published unity games.
If you have trouble with the game you trying to play you have to contact the author / publisher of the game.

Where can we refer to the author of the game? pls help me !

black screen overtorque stunt racing