overwhelmed by mecsnim

Following the videos, i select my cow. He’s a prefab, no bones, simple legacy anim intended. No Avatar autocreation happens.
I click window, animation.
I click new and name it.
Then i see nada in the browse area, just " add curve" .
I literally just need one arm to swing. That’s it. :frowning:
In the animation preview window the prefab shows, laying on its side.

What did i miss? Did i need a not prefab? Soooo lost and frustrated. How do i getsomething
To show under where it shuts curve, Andes then How do i make it keyframe from there?
All the vids just say " Ok, so create the keyframe now… "… No instruction


I also found this very confusing and I really think they should give mechanim a makeover.
The animation window will display the animations of whatever gameobject you have selected. This is the key.

Click add curve! A curve is just a property that you animate. Once you click the button you’ll see some options for what to animate. pick the one you want. Now you can right click on the main area and add keyframes.

Yeah, it was an issue of clicking on the body or prefab to be moved. NOt the most intuitive thing ever, but once I got it going, it wound up serving me better than Blender/Rhino.