P-Shapes - The low-poly prop library.

P-Shapes is your go-to library for low-poly shapes ready to add to your games.

You can use them right now for prototyping and mod them later should your art direction require it.
This way, they become unique to your app.

Models are UV wrapped with a sample AO texture; bake your materials and you’re good to go.

I’m starting this out with a few sample models (colored with shaders: the texture is black and white).

The library will keep growing over time.
Updates will happen according to what models you want to see, so speak up!

[Asset store link pending approval]

Well, this is a great screenshot. I think the Assetstore will be excited to see these resources.

Take my advice, as a fellow developer. Try to imagine some things which would be useful, but not yet overly available in the Assetstore yet, then commit yourself to making 2-3 a week, and that way, in a month from now, you’d have roughly 8-12 more objects for this screenshot to show off! (and 3 months from now, you’ve have 24-36 different objects added to what you have now. :smile:

Also, don’t be discouraged if you’re first attempt at the Assetstore gets a strange reply, and a rejection-of-sorts. Just add some more interesting items, update the documentation if needed, and (if you really want: Sell it in the store on your website :smile: )

( Confession: I’m still working on getting my Asset approved, (2nd time around) so Unity AssetStore Staff: Get ready for my next submission! )

P.S. Those peas/pods are a great start! How about a few more simple vegetables? (Just food for thought. ;D )