Package com.unity3d.player does not exist

I tried to make Android (google) project from Unity (to obfuscate some dlls and then make apk by hands).

My project uses facebook sdk. The problem is to make project without this error in facebook source files: “package com.unity3d.player does not exist”.

It happens on:

import com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer;

I can’t figure out how to solve this issue. What do I do wrong? any facebook settings wrong? missing some libraries? what is going on?

Have u check Java Build Path in Eclipse Properties?

In Unity3d Editor, Plugin/Android folder doesn’t contain ‘classes.jar’(maybe?) but Expoerted project should added ‘classes.jar’.

So you need Add jar path in Eclipse or Android Studio project settings.

It also contains bolts.jar or android-support-v4.jar in java build path.

unity classes.jar path are in

(Win path) C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\androidplayer\bin\classes.jar

(Mac path) packages)\Contents\PlaybackEngine\AndroidPlayer\bin\classes.jar

You seem to be missing Unity’s classes.jar file (should be present if you export the project from the Editor).