package input manager hide the logo in scene tab


I have a very small issue, but I’m using the input manager package, and when a object has a input manager component it has a input manager logo on the Scene tab like this : alt text

The issue is, it completely hides my sprite and I can’t see the animation very well…
it’s even there in the game tab !

So does someone know how to hide those ?

I am not sure if you solved this problem yet, but the answer can be found in the Unity documentation here: Unity - Manual: Gizmos menu Specifically the “Toggling gizmo visibility” section. For me the gizmos associated with the input manager did not have checkboxes in the gizmos menu, but clicking the icon disabled them from the scene view. I am using Unity version 2020.3.

Make sure to read the documentation for your specific Unity editor version.

Hope this helps you, or others that stumble upon this thread.