[Package] Isometric Tile Map


Pretty cool EP guys ! Great work !

I wanted to try the isometric tile map.
I struggle a little bit at first, finding the good parameters but it works at the end.
Here is a package for anyone to try
Have fun :slight_smile:

(asset used: basic isometric tiles 128x128 | OpenGameArt.org)

How would you implement a character that needs to walk on the grid ?
I mostly mean, sorting issues…

2655814–187230–Isometric.unitypackage (255 KB)

I tested isometric feature this morning and I am glad of its existence :wink:
I have noted a sorting bug quickly in my test :frowning:
Why brush does not cut sprite bigger than 1x1x1 in little piece for avoid sorting problem ?
Because else with isometric view we will have always sorting problem.
I have a question to how can we simulate altitude level with TileMap ( always in isometric view) ?

I’d probably do something like this:

Use the Grid script of your tilemap to convert grid positions into world positions and lerp between fields (assuming you mean grid-based movement). For the sorting issues, I would somehow map the Y-position to Order in Sorting Layer. Here is a tutorial I had bookmarked: https://breadcrumbsinteractive.com/two-unity-tricks-isometric-games/

please dont tell me that this version still has not fixed the sorting issues?

There is a new sorting group feature, but I haven’t checked it out yet.

Most of them have been fixed, at least those which were bothering me :slight_smile:
Check the docs:

Page 27
As it is now (31/05/2016)