Package manager issues, please help!


I am 100% new to this, sorry for any stupid questions. I am using Unity 2019.3.3f1 personal
I am trying install packages but having 0 luck with most of them.

The ProGrids says to download from the “Package Manager” so I selected “All” and searched Pro and nothing comes up for it, I tried scrolling though them all and still found nothing. Am I doing something wrong here ?

I also tried to add the following Packages, but the give me hundreds of errors : / I thought Unity might be a fun way to start making stuff but anything i try to do seems to be broken. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for any help!

I only know the answer to your ProGrids question. It is in the package manager but it is under preview as shown in attached screenshot. Click the drop down arrow next to advanced, make sure “show preview packages is checked” and then searching for ‘pro…’ should show ProGrids :slight_smile:

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Thanks >___< I should have figured that out. Do you have the same issues with the packages breaking everything or is that just a me thing ?