As the bulk of Unity’s functionality becomes modular and more features in different stages of development move into packages, choosing the right tools for your project can be challenging. Updates to the Package Manager in Unity 2020.1 beta 8 aim to make it easier for you to consider the impact of using preview packages in your project.
How to access all packages in 2020.1
Using preview packages has its risks. For example, API or functionality changes could disrupt the continuous usage of the tool in a production environment. Nevertheless, for those of you trying to stay on the bleeding edge of Unity technology, trying preview projects can help you to prepare the tooling necessary for future projects and anticipate opportunities. At the same time, your feedback helps us to make better tools for everyone.
Currently, the Show preview packages setting in the Package Manager is a preference that applies across all of your Unity projects and versions. This means that most users are only informed once about the implications of using preview technology. In 2020.1 beta, we changed this to a project-based option in the Project Settings.
Design updates
More prominent preview package labeling and a warning section in the Package Manager UI will remind you to be cautious when updating or installing packages in development. Additionally, a new Preview Package menu will be displayed in the Editor toolbar while you work on the project.
These new menu items can be dismissed or they can show you which preview packages are installed, and where you can find the description and changelog for these packages.
Additionally, we have added new improvements like a new UI iconography, improved layout, and better distinctions between Currently installed packages and the Update available information.
Plans for packages
This is the first step in a series of measures that we are working on to help make it easier for you to explore the latest Unity tools and features. Our goal is to make sure that all new packages that users can see in their Package Manager are either close to being ready for verification or already verified to work with that version of the Unity Editor.
Preview packages that aren’t yet close to the verification stage won’t be listed in the Package Manager. However, if you’ve already installed these preview packages, they won’t be removed – you can continue to use them, with the understanding that they are experimental.
You can discuss the changes to the Package Manager in this forum post. We would love to hear what you think of the latest Unity UX changes – this helps us to know what to improve next.