Pacman 2D Question Popup

I’m creating this mathematical pacman game called “Pacmath”
I have a problem on the question popup so this is what to do:

If you eat an energizer pellet, the game pauses and a question pops up. If you got the right question, the game will be on the frightened mode which is pacman will be the one to eat the ghosts. If you got the wrong answer, the game resumes, nothing happens and you will not enter the frightened mode.

The problem is how to do this. Help me please. I need this for a school project.

anyone? Please reply… immediately :cry:

That is an extremely broad question, and you have to be patient with replies on the forum. People aren’t always hanging out watching for new posts, we visit when we have time.

Have you started making it? Do you know how to make any part of it or are you brand new to Unity and game development?

Start with the basics. Make a character, get it moving with inputs, create a pellet that you can interact with using Triggers. Do one thing at a time and build it up.

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As for pacman you can check this out
as for ui prompts you could look into this tutorial

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