Page flip for Unity, your thoughts / opinions thanks!

Hi all,

About a year ago, I knocked together this demo in Unity

I’m considering fleshing this out to make an asset for the assetstore, and wondered what sort of features it would need to include to be useful to the community, and some suggestions of price points.

Would it need to be integrated into one of the various GUI libraries or would it be better completely standalone?

This incidentally is very performant- runs perfectly on iPad 1, but is also strictly 2d, so you wouldn’t be able to easily integrate it into a 3d scene (although it is possible to integrate a 3d scene into the book, via render to texture.)


I think this would be great with 3D in to reveal an interactive environment like a very dynamic popup book.
I would buy that.

Since not everyone uses GUI plugins, being integrated with one will surely keep away some potentioal users, such as I am. However, you can make 2 versions. One that supports GUI plugin and another that is standalone package. I guess current version supports images(?) I would like to have support for string input as well (If not exists now).

Thanks @pixelsteam. It’s kind of hard to explain, but the book is kind of a 2d trick- it looks nice, but it wouldn’t really be possible to do a popup- more possible (and something I’m working on myself) is to have the page be a rendertexture which can of course be a camera view of a 3d scene. That should technically make it possible to setup a 3d scene and then put the Book prefab into it, and “page through” the scene, basically moving between different camera angles.

I’m not sure how text (for example) would work without some form of GUI integration, but again am open to suggestions here.