[PAID] I need a billboarding shader

Hello everybody!

I need help for my project.

Essentially I need someone who can write a custom shader (NOT in shader graph but the standard one).

What should the shader do?

  • Billboard a sprite
  • Applying shadows and light sources from the worldspace onto the sprite
  • Casting shadows
  • Make it so the sprite billboards the cam but also can be influenced by the animator.

For example:

A dog wigs his tail. With the shaders I found online, the shader overrides the rotation of the animation, meaning: The tail (bone) as well as the sprite is moving, BUT the sprite wont rotate at all.

I know the issue here, but cant figure out what I can change to fix it. I have no experience with shaders whatsoever. So I’m using my wallet to solve this issue.

The best case scenario for me is a shader file that I can simply drag and drop on the sprite objects I want to behave this way. The “lazy guy”-solution if you wanna call it that.

For reference of what I’m vaguely looking for: Search for the game EthrA on Youtube (outstanding game btw).

Thank you so much in advance!

Hey there I’ve done this kind of thing before I could help you out message me @bodardr on discord. Oh and by the way what’s your Render Pipeline? If it’s HDRP I’ll be forced to use ShaderGraph though, just FYI

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Hello There,

I am expert unity programmer i can write u a shader for the strand unity pipeline for what u need


Special shoutout to @RomanB205 for providing a quick and easy solution!