[PAID] Single Project - Camera Stutter

Seeking someone who can fix an issue with current code/prototype.
I am a single individual working on a small personal prototype.

Description of Problem
Using the Unity Nav Mesh, for a click-to-move system, when the player is “walking” you can see screen “Jitter” similar to the preview of the article linked below. However, the problem is NOT about camera rotation.

NOT Problems (Things Unwanted)

  • NOT seeking changes to camera controls, based on how you want to be able to move camera.
  • NOT looking for a different movement system, different view, or told to use a different art style.
  • NOT asking for which GPU I should buy. (lol)

What I DO want

I just WANT smooth camera/player movement with the current controls/setup.

Things Tried

  • Changing Unity Project Time Step
  • Updates to code for Update/FixedUpdate/etc.

Job Description
Programmer (Specifically - Movement / Camera)

What I Am Looking For
I need the character / camera to move smoothly, in conditions with variable frame rates.
Movement uses the Unity Navmesh system, and is click to move, 3D isometric perspective.

Not accepting plugin solutions. Just fix what exists.
Issue is timing/update position between player and camera.

Nothing, just humble beginnings and a few lines of code.


Email [Only]: alex.grey.7128@gmail.com (please us this method, or I won’t reply.)

Please include your price, time required, what you need to complete the work.
Please Include “Unity Camera Stutter” in your email.

Going to bump this, as this is still unresolved after attempting to work with a few people.
Hoping the updates to my post help better clarify the issue I am facing.

Also please note, that you will be provided with a Unity Package that, has a scene, player, and camera script.

You will need to first create a clean project.
Then import the Unity “AI Navigation” package.
Next import the package attached in the email reply I send to you.

Once you have done those things, go to the hierarchy,
then access the NavMesh Surface in the Primary Terrain object,
and then rebake the mesh so that way navigation will work.

Please note that intended controls should be as follows.
Q & E to orbit the camera in 90 degree increments, left click on the terrain to move player to location.

Intended Target Platform: Windows PC for low end laptops without dedicated GPUs.

- which editor version you’re targeting: 2022.3.29f1
- which render pipeline (Built-in, URP, HDRP?) URP

- what is the CPU & GPU on the machine where this issue happens
Intel i5 1.30GHz / Intel UHD Graphics (laptop)

Please take the time to assess the project, ask any questions you have, state what you believe the problem is, and then provide a quote. Which would be highly appreciated.

Thank you,


I would highly suggest not emailing people directly on Unity forums, as there is email harvesting and scams that frequent forms.

I would also highly suggest never downloading email attachments from random people.

Alex, you should post your code on a git repo like github or gitlab to get better results, and usually people would quote / you would offer a budget for the tasks. You’re basically asking for free work.


hatebin links expired :vulcan_salute:

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