Quick question, we have a free app in the store now: if we put up an update and make the app $1, can we make it so that users that already own the app have to pay to get the update? Or should we put up the update as a second new app?
I’ve had a look at iTunesConnect but I can only choose a different pricing, I don’t know what happens with existing customers.
Also, I see a “you must have an active Paid Applications contract”… now what the hell is that?? I already paid the $99, is there more?
regarding the “you must have an active Paid Applications contract” go to itunes connect and there to the contracts page. Ideally you should have two active contract types there. One is for free applications and the other for paid (sold) applications. If you don´t have the second one yet you either haven´t filled out all info required yet (address, tax etc info) or if you have then it should get set up soon once apple has processed all your data.
Thank you guys!
Re paid updates, never mind we’ll create a second app.
Re contracts, that was easier than I feared, all I had to do was sign my soul away and fill in some data, hopefully the process will be fast.