Painted trees disappear when the scene is saved.

Got a weird problem here.

I've assembled several different types of tree in the tree creator and want to paint them across my terrain. Everything's fine, I can paint the trees where I want, but when I hit save they all disappear and their names in the terrain editor are replaced with the word 'missing'.

Another odd thing is that it fails to load the thumbnails of the trees in the editor when I add them.

Any ideas what could be going wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help with this.


I was applying game objects to the terrain editor rather than prefabs.

If it’s no problem, I would like explain the solution.

1 - Create a new object prefab following the path (Assets → Create → Prefab):

2 - Name the prefab

3 - Drag the object Tree to the to the previously created prefab

4 - Go to “Place Trees” menu on Terrain

5 - Go to Edit Trees option

6 - Select “Add Tree”

7 - Drag the previously created prefab to Tree option and clic on Add:


8 - Add your new Prefab Trees to the scene by using the Place Trees Brush

9 - Save your project and enjoy