PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
Run time Water based terrain sculpting showcase. The brush shown in the video can be used to smoothly transition from the height the mouse is clicked on to the height nearby, creating the base for roads. Also added height indicator to the system so now is evident where the brush will be applied on the terrain.
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PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
Road and mountain ridges brush WIP
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
Added multi terrain editing in the run time module and demo, seems to be working great and with minimal impact in performance because of the massive parallel GPU processing.
PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
More samples of the river making process.
PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
More samples of the terrain making process.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool
Terrace formation example
PANGAEA - Terrain Generation with GPU Fluid Simulation & Splines is almost ready for release, currently doing the final touches and prefabs for fast usage and finalizing the manual.
The system is planned to be submitted early next week.
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The PANGAEA manual is now ready, so proceeding with the final touches and the release soon.
Added height pointer to pinpoint the exact spot where the brush will be applied on both editor and run time modes.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
More samples of the terrain making process using the various prefabs created for the final release.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
Added passing of an existing Unity terrain heightmap to the Mesh terrain, can be used directly in Mesh terrain mode and edited further with GPU on Mesh and than pass back to Unity terrain.
Also added few more features in the run time demo and refined it further.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
UPDATE: The standalone demo version has now been exported succesfully and fully works in real time in build.
The new 3d Noise system has now been integrated in the run time demo and will available for testing soon.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
Added stamping of the shader based GPU solution to Mesh terrain and collider creation, for supporting collisions and physics, also added demo with physics applied to the terrain with cubes collision on its collider.
PANGAEA will be compatible with [Sky Master ULTIMATE]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-50) and **InfiniGRASS **Studio (v2.0)
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The splat mapping solution base for the system is now ready and currently beeing adapted to do run time splatting for the upcoming real time demo. Run time splat mapping is planned to be a feature of PRO version.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
WIP on fully automated splat mapping and Impostor LODed trees spreading.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
WIP on fully automated splat mapping and Impostor LODed trees spreading.
PANGAEA Terraform - New
ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
Spline based rock formation module WIP, for PANGAEA Pro version.
PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME GPU based terrain formation tool.
New tree planting system WIP
PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME ( GPU based terrain formation tool.
The town generator module of the PANGAEA PRO version will also be included in the real time demo, the module creates realistic town arrangements and adapts prefabs to the layout, after that is possible to extend the walls and towers or add fences with a fence-wall creation system that connects walls in sequencial mouse clicks and also apply wall mesh and spread details on its path using splines