PANGAEA ✅- Next Gen Dynamic Fast Terrain creation using GPU, Fluid simulation and Spline systems

PANGAEA Terraform - GPU based terrain creation, new Non Destructive stamping combined with the new Texture Synthesizer module work in progress.

Improved the PANGAEA Terraform shader for URP - HDRP snow, the same is also now used in Sky Master ULTIMATE URP-HDRP versions (Images and Videos above) and will be enhanced further in parallel for both assets.

PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME GPU and Fluid Simulation based terrain creation tool.

Showcase of Non destructive flow based terrain formation, refined with Water simulation and destructive flow.

Sky Master ULTIMATE October Offers !
InfiniTREE PRO is now released at the Unity Asset Store and is at -50% discount. Also is currently a $5 upgrade from InfiniTREE and a $15 upgrade from [Sky Master ULTIMATE]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8526821) or [InfiniGRASS ]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8526821)!

InfiniGRASS, GIBLION, LUMINA GI, InfiniRIVER, ORION, Particle Dynamic Magic URP and Oceanis are are now discounted to only $19 when upgrading from Sky Master ULTIMATE !

Also the [ARTnGAME Massive Chain Reaction Sale]( [SAVE $600 UPGRADE OFFER!✅]Sky Master ULTIMATE: Sky, Ocean, Volume Clouds-lighting, Weather, RTGI page-59#post-8526821) is now active !!!

Enjoy :slight_smile:
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** InfiniSPLAT **is now officially announced and will be fully compatible with PANGAEA, a lot of integration modules will combine the two assets for best result.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

PANGAEA Terraform - New ARTnGAME GPU and Fluid Simulation based terrain creation tool. Work on applying PANGAEA fluid simulator in round planets for the new Planet Generator system for ORION Space Scene Generation system. Also InfiniSPLAT progress on self shadowed parallax that can be used in combination with PANGAEA.

**ARTnGame **Sale:
LUMINA, ORION and Sky Master ULTIMATE are now on Unity $35 Sale!
Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE, LUMINA or ORION to the Environment Building Bundle for only $65 for a limited time during the sale!

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