ParallelWriter not defined for some collection types

Hi folks,

I’m trying to create a parallel job that needs to write to a shared output collection. I need to avoid duplicate values in the output, so I’m hoping to write to a hash set of sorts.

I found this thread where someone is doing something similar:

Trying to understand how to parallel write to a NativeHashMap - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

However, when I try to get a parallel writer for anything other than a NativeList, it is not defined…

I’m using the latest Unity.Collections package (2.5.1).

Any idea why the OP in the linked thread can use stuff I can’t?


The parallel versions of the collections are now called NativeParallelHashSet and NativeParallelHashMap.

See the changes in 2.1.0-exp.4: Changelog | Collections | 2.5.1

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