Parameter becomes null through UNet Rpc

Below is a fragment of my code where the Rpc is called.
You can see that I am doing some extra checks to make sure that the parameter being passed is not null by making a new copy of the dictionary I want to pass and then adding a value and to top it off a quick log so I can see in the editor there’s no funny business.

Dictionary<int, float> parameter = new Dictionary<int, float>(resources);

if(parameter != null)
	Debug.Log("resources != null");
	Debug.Log("resources == null");

parameter.Add(1, 4.3f);


When running this as the server or the client, parameter is logged as not being null before I even add the KeyValuePair<int, float> of (1, 4.3f), so I’m sure parameter is not null.

Below are the Rpcs being called:

public void RpcSendRList(Dictionary<int, float> _rList)
	if(_rList != null)
		opponentResources = _rList;
		Debug.Log("null dict");

The result in the editor is that it logs “null dict”.
I have debugged this function by putting a breakpoint in just so I can be sure when reading the _rList parameter that it is null and indeed the result is null.

If I have logged the value before as to not be null then why is it being received as null by the client?

You can only send certain simple types through remote calls (Commands, ClientRpcs). These include int, long, float, Vector3, Color… but do not include complex types like Dictionaries.