Parameters distinction between bool and trigger in the Animator window

In the animator window, how can i tell the difference between a bool and a trigger parameter?

They are both using a checkbox, but the behaviour is not the same so why is they no way to make the distinction between those to type?

Right now, i’m adding the suffix “Trigger” to make the difference.

I think the only thing to tell the difference is how you name them.

I hate adding “Trigger” and such to a parameters name so I just name them appropriately.


A boolean would be named “Walking” while a Trigger would be named “Walk”.

A boolean would be named “Jumping” while a Trigger would be named “Jump”.

That’s what I do to help me tell the difference without even having to think about it.

I’m using version 5.3.4p4 and you can distinguish them by their checkbox style.

Bool: It has a box shape style

Trigger: It has a circle shape style