I’m following a 2D twin stick shooter tutorial and under the Hierarchy tab, the tutorial has you take parent and child objects to establish a center point for rotation. I’m supposed to set the parent (move tool) in a specific location on the canvas, link parent and child in the Hierarchy tab and drag the child object (which holds the image) over the parent, then use the rotate tool to test that everything is centered correctly.
The problem is once I pair them, the parent is no longer visible even if I click on it in the Hierarchy tab. In the tutorial it was still visible when clicked on and the instructor was able to go back and fourth between the two, both being visual in the scene view. So the parent basically appears to be locked for some reason and it can’t manipulate the child object. They aren’t communicating with each other.
I looked everywhere before I resorted to asking here, even the Unity documentation. I just don’t think I understand enough to even know where to look properly.
If you want to see where it is in the scene view, click it in the Hierarchy then move your mouse over the scene view and press F to focus on it. If you still can’t see where it is, press W key to make sure you have the Transform tool selected / gizmos visible. Also sometimes when you move a child to a parent the position in the Inspector changes because that’s local space coordinates and you’ve changed the parent so it updates those to keep it at the same position in world space. You might want to set the position back to 0,0,0 if that’s where it’s supposed to be relative to the parent.
Thanks for the reply. I understand what you mean by resetting the position in the transform tool. Thanks for that tip. I tried all of that and nothing fixed the issue though. It’s as if the child takes over the parent and even when I mouse over the scene and press F, only the child gets attention even if I click on the parent in the Hierarchy tab. You know what else is strange though, when I swap the roles in the Hierarchy, I am now able to toggle between the two and they both appear in the scene view. They also become tied together this way (if I move one, they both move) and the ultimate goal of getting them to communicate still doesn’t work.
I figured it out. A button next to the tools somehow got switched to “center” when it should be set to “pivot”. I know I pressed it to pivot, leading up to this point. Maybe I accidentally pressed it again. I knew it had to be as simple as a button. Hey, thank you so much polemical. I appreciate you.