Parent Contraints evalutation/execution order and IK.


Is there any way to adjust the evaluation or execution order of Parent Constraints? I have a character that modifies IK through scripting after the Update loop, and Parent Constraints ignores the updated transforms after IK in Unity 2019+. It seems to only evaluate the Animator stream. In 2018 LTS the order is correct and applies Parent Constraints after my IK. Is there any way to correct this in 2019.3 ?



Chances are you are referring to the following issue we addressed a while ago:

The issue was that constraints were applied after the LateUpdate callback and thus there was no way to run game logic to get the end result of animation (animation + constraints).

If you want to modify the animator IK before the constraints have been applied, you can use the OnAnimatorIK callback instead.

You can refer to the following for a detailed explanation of the execution order in Unity: