Parent object is getting generated why ??

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Pool : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject RedS;    // this and other three public objects below are not a problem
	public GameObject CyanS;
	public GameObject OrangeS;
	public GameObject GreenS;   

	public GameObject[] objects;
	public int[] number;
	public List<GameObject>[] pool;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		Instantiate(RedS,    new Vector3(-6.0f,-9.0f,-0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
		Instantiate(CyanS,   new Vector3(-2.0f,-9.0f,-0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
		Instantiate(OrangeS, new Vector3(2.0f,-9.0f,-0.4f), Quaternion.identity);
		Instantiate(GreenS,  new Vector3(6.0f,-9.0f,-0.4f), Quaternion.identity);


	void instant(){
	pool = new List<GameObject>[objects.Length];
		for(int count=0;count < objects.Length ; count++)
			pool[count] = new List<GameObject>();
			for(int num=0;num<number[count];num++)
				GameObject temp = (GameObject)Instantiate(objects[count]);
				temp.transform.parent = this.transform;    // MAYBE HERE                    
				pool[count].Add (temp);

	public GameObject activate(int id, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
		for(int count = 0;  count < pool[id].Count ; count++)
				pool[id][count].transform.position = position;
				pool[id][count].transform.rotation = rotation;
				return pool[id][count];
		return null;

	public void deActivate(GameObject deActivateObject)

Please look at this code
Here as you see in the picture, i want only the children of pool to generate but at the start of game whole bunch of object pool gets generated which i dont want.
What is wrong with this code ?

The code looks fine, either you’re not showing the entire problem in that screen shot or your title is misleading (unintentionally).

This script Pool is a monobehavior, which means it needs to live on a GameObject in the scene (and it seems to be on your ‘pool’ gameobject).

Inside instant() you have this line of code:

temp.transform.parent = this.transform; 

This line of code will take whatever game object you created (temp) and assign it as a child of whatever game object the script is attached to because you’re assigning it to this.transform.

If you don’t want the children to be generated under the pool game object just remove that line. If you have a different issue that you’re trying to solve, please edit your question to be clearer so we can help you.

After re-reading your question multiple times. I’m wondering if you meant that you only want those 4 instances of red/cyan/etc to be instantiated. If that’s the case, look at your Start() method. You have the instant() function at the end, which will be called and do all the children generation.

Remove the instant() from Start() and the pool won’t have its children generated, but you’ll be left with those four instances you want. Those are in the hierarchy as (Clone).