Parent to bone not importing from Blender

Hello everyone,

I’m having this problem. I have a character imported from Make Human to whom I added a tennis racquet (imported as .obj). Then, I parented to bone, so that the racquet would follow the hand’s and arm’s movements. Finally I made an animation which is working just fine in Blender.

The problem is, when I export to .fbx and open in Unity, the racquet appears in a different position and not even attached to the body of the character.

Things I’ve already tried:

  • I tried importing with many different options from MH, even with Rigify.
  • The racquet is imported out of position even if I us “join” with ctrl + J the character and the racquet.
  • I tried changing almost all the export options in Blender before exporting.

I hope you can help me. Thank you in advance.

It sounds like you directly parented the racquet to the bone (mesh as a child object of a bone). This kind of animation will not work with Unity.

To fix it:

  1. Parent your racquet to the Armature (not even to the root bone, to the Armature itself)
  2. Add an Armature modifier to the racquet
  3. Weight-paint the racquet so all its vertices have a weight of 1.0 on the bone your want it to follow.

I don’t know how experienced you are with Blender, if you need more detail just ask ^^


Hello Cygon, thank you very much for your reply and explanation.

Honestly, I’m as long as one week experienced with Blender, so if you could give me more details I would really appreciate it. I do have an idea what you mean and I’m kind of familiar with the terms you’re using, but It’s still quite confusing for me1 to figure out what is what in the Outliner, as the character gets imported in kind of a messy way from MH.

EDIT: Thank you SO much. I watched a few tutorials and managed to follow the steps you provided. Now it’s working PERFECTLY. You saved me from going nuts :smile:

Amazing and quick fix… Thanks Cygon4!

The problem with this quickfix is, I can’t use the meshes as colliders

It’s an old topic, but I just had the same problem and the solution is to remove the Armature Modifier from the objects that are just parented to the bone, but have no skinning.

this worked for me too. you don’t need to bother with the weight paints (Unity might throw a warning about no weights found but ignore)

to parent to a bone you go
click on the armature go into mode,
select the bone you want to parent to
tab out to object mode, select the armature
ctrl+p then Bone
then delete the armature modifier on the parented object.