Parenting Character controller to the car

Hi all, i’ve bumped into the problem i cannot solve… i’ve got aplayer controlled by character controller and a car (simple unity3d car with wheel colliders etc…) i’m trying to parent the player to the car:

public Transform carSeat;  //go in the car hierarchy player should parent to
void MountBuggy(){
		this.transform.parent = carSeat; 
		ptrGlobalVarsScript.isRiding = true;

So when i run parenting function everything works - player is positioned on “carSeat” and it’s rotation is equal to “carSeat’s” rotation…
But when i’m starting to drive a car, the player stays in place(not following the position of a car), but players rotation is changing according to car’s rotation…
Can someone give me the hint why player stays in place?

don’t bother problem solved

So what was it?

I actually spend some time looking at this, but couldn’t figure it.