Parenting object to exact location


I need to parent an object to another via scripting. I am using Unity iPhone and JavaScript. I've been using the following code in the Start() function.

*transform.parent = hand;
transform.localRotation = hand.localRotation;
transform.localPosition = hand.localPosition;*

This is working. However, my object (a gun model) that I'm wanting to parent to the hand is still offset a bit from the hand instead of being positioned directly to the location of the hand. In my 3D app, I have set the pivot for the gun model so that it's right at the handle of the gun. I would think that by setting the localPostion and localRotation of the gun to the hand, the gun object would be positioned exactly at the hand.

I can't figure out why there would be an offset. I'd greatly appreciate any help.



set the localPosition to if you want it in the same place, otherwise you're setting it to the offset of the hand from the hand's parent