Parkour Wall run

So guys, as the title kinda explains… I Want to make a Parkour game, FPS. I have tried this before but I couldn’t make a Wall run function, so Im asking. How do I make the player go upwards when he hits the Wall or object? I know how to use raycast to detect if looking at and in range, so I only need the upward motion for now at least. I know you Can use the “transform.translate” but that makes the player almost teleport! So how do I make him go up smoothly?

Please help! Thanks!

To make anything move smoothly you need to use the Lerp() function. It linearly interpolates (moves slowly) between two points.

what i did was add a 0.4f delay before it would “teleport” and in that time i have a animation that starts and as soon as it teleport it looks like it realy was pulled up there is a few more lines that let it know that “ClimbAnim” is and “cam” but thats where it tells where to animate and when to wall climb

       function Climb()
yield WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
Player.transform.position.y = CheckRay.transform.position.y + charCont.height + 0.1;
Player.transform.Translate(0, 0, distanceToGoFwd + 0.3);
Translate = false;
function Changing()
yield WaitForSeconds(0.3f);
CanParkour = true;

This is just a small sample of my work regarding parkour mechanics in FPS (with full body awareness).

Contact me if you need some help: