throw exception, (System.AggregateException)

Hi guys, so i’m trying to use in my unity project, it was all working fine until i added a new column in my user database. It throw exception every time i tried to access my currentUser.

In the error shown below, it mentioned that something goes wrong at line 20 of my login.cs script, however, line 20 of this script is called in both my login scene and my menu scene, but the exception is only thrown in menu scene, not when in login scene.

When i’m trying to run the scene, it says

AggregateException: Exception of type ‘System.AggregateException’ was thrown.
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait ()
Parse.ParseUser.get_CurrentUser ()
login.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/login.cs:20)

And Here’s some of my code arround line 20:

string currentSceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene ().name;
if ((ParseUser.CurrentUser != null) && (currentSceneName != headToScene)) {
SceneManager.LoadScene (headToScene);

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you!

Your menu scene probably doesn’t have the ParesInitializeBehaviour script attached to a game object. This object must run Awake() before you access the Parse API. This used to have a helpful error message in older versions of Parse, but now it fails without a proper message.

Note: if you used to have that script attached, it may have become a broken link when you upgraded Parse to version 1.7, due to the plugin .dll file being moved to a new location–when Unity regenerates the .meta file, the GUID is rewritten and old references to the .dll are lost.