Hello everyone,
i have been working with a coworker with json in dynamoDB. when i try to do a query, DynamoDB showme the next json
i do the deserialisation with one simple json and works. but when i try to deserialize this complex json i can’t. here are objects and C# code.
public class JsonObjects
public DockiData[] allDockiData;
public class DockiData
public string n_request;
public string posicion;
public float velocidad;
public string client_id;
public string status;
public string PartitionKey;
public int posX, posY;
char[] deleteLetters = { '[', ']', ',' };
public void SplitPos()
string[] positions = posicion.Split(deleteLetters, 4, StringSplitOptions.None);
posX = int.Parse(positions[1]);
posY = int.Parse(positions[2]);
and in here i deserialize the json
IEnumerator RequestJson()
UnityWebRequest carInformation = UnityWebRequest.Get(url);
yield return carInformation.SendWebRequest();
if (carInformation.isHttpError || carInformation.isNetworkError)
string json = carInformation.downloadHandler.text;
clients = JsonUtility.FromJson<JsonObjects>(json);
when i run the project apear the next issue:
ArgumentException: JSON must represent an object type.
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson (System.String json, System.Type type) (at <0618d0873e03447096799ae90b4ad4f1>:0)
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson[T] (System.String json) (at <0618d0873e03447096799ae90b4ad4f1>:0)
JsonLoader+d__5.MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/JsonScripts/JsonLoader.cs:46)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0)
thanks for your help and regards.