Parsing error help

Can some one pls help me? l am want a multiplayer game and now l am making a c# script but there is this error Assets/MultiplayerScript.cs(113,1): error CS8025: Parsing error ,but l cant find it plsss hepp.Here is my code.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
	/// This script is attachet to the MultiplayerManager and it is the foundation for our multiplayer system.
	/// </summary>
	// Use this for initialization

public class MultiplayerScript : MonoBehaviour {
	//Variables Start___________________________________
	private string titleMessage = "Kiko Zver";
	private string cinnectToIP="";
	private int connectionPort = 26500;
	private bool useNet=false;
	private string ipAdress;
	private string port;
	private int numberOfPlayers=10;
	public string playerName;
	public string serverName;
	public string serverNameForClient;
	private bool lWantToSetupAServer=false;
	private bool lWantToConnectToAServer=false;
	// Thesse variables are used to define the main window.
	private Rect connectionWindowRect;
	private int connectionWindowWidth=400;
	private int connectionWindowHeight=280;
	private int buttonheight=60;
	private int leftindent;
	private int topindent;

	void Start () {
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {


     void ConnectWindow(int windowID)
	{ //Leave a gap from the header.

	//When the player launches the game they have the option to create a server or join a server.The variables iWanToSetupAServer and iWantToConnectToAServer start as false so the player is presented with two buttons "set up a server" or "connect to a server".
	if(lWantToSetupAServer == false && lWantToConnectToAServer ==false)
		if(GUILayout.Button("Set up a Server",GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
				if(GUILayout.Button ("Connect to a server",GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
					if(Application.isWebPlayer == false && Application.isEditor==false)
				if(GUILayout.Button ("Exit Game",GUILayout.Height(Buttonheight)))

	void OnGui()
		//if the plater is disconnected then run the ConnectWindow function.
			//Determine the position of the window based on the width and height of the screen.The window will be plased in the middle of the screen.
			leftindent= Screen.Width / 2 - connectionWindowWidth / 2;
			topindent= Screen.height / 2 - connectionWindowHeight / 2;	
			connectionwindowRect=new Rect ( leftindent, topindent, connectionWidth, connectionWindowHeight);
				connectionWindowRect=GUILayout.Window(0, connectionWindowRect, ConnectWindow, titleMessage) ;

You are missing a close bracket at the very end of the class (‘}’), but after adding that I see some other compiler errors. looks like you have a couple different ways of spelling ‘buttonHeight’ and ‘connectionWindowWidth’ so be sure to make all those consistent. Also, in your OnGUI() function, be sure to change ‘Screen.Width’ to ‘Screen.width’ and after you get those, you should be compiling! Good luck :slight_smile: please be sure to upvote my answer if it was helpful.