Can some one pls help me? l am want a multiplayer game and now l am making a c# script but there is this error Assets/MultiplayerScript.cs(113,1): error CS8025: Parsing error ,but l cant find it plsss hepp.Here is my code.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
/// This script is attachet to the MultiplayerManager and it is the foundation for our multiplayer system.
/// </summary>
// Use this for initialization
public class MultiplayerScript : MonoBehaviour {
//Variables Start___________________________________
private string titleMessage = "Kiko Zver";
private string cinnectToIP="";
private int connectionPort = 26500;
private bool useNet=false;
private string ipAdress;
private string port;
private int numberOfPlayers=10;
public string playerName;
public string serverName;
public string serverNameForClient;
private bool lWantToSetupAServer=false;
private bool lWantToConnectToAServer=false;
// Thesse variables are used to define the main window.
private Rect connectionWindowRect;
private int connectionWindowWidth=400;
private int connectionWindowHeight=280;
private int buttonheight=60;
private int leftindent;
private int topindent;
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void ConnectWindow(int windowID)
{ //Leave a gap from the header.
//When the player launches the game they have the option to create a server or join a server.The variables iWanToSetupAServer and iWantToConnectToAServer start as false so the player is presented with two buttons "set up a server" or "connect to a server".
if(lWantToSetupAServer == false && lWantToConnectToAServer ==false)
if(GUILayout.Button("Set up a Server",GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
if(GUILayout.Button ("Connect to a server",GUILayout.Height(buttonHeight)))
if(Application.isWebPlayer == false && Application.isEditor==false)
if(GUILayout.Button ("Exit Game",GUILayout.Height(Buttonheight)))
void OnGui()
//if the plater is disconnected then run the ConnectWindow function.
//Determine the position of the window based on the width and height of the screen.The window will be plased in the middle of the screen.
leftindent= Screen.Width / 2 - connectionWindowWidth / 2;
topindent= Screen.height / 2 - connectionWindowHeight / 2;
connectionwindowRect=new Rect ( leftindent, topindent, connectionWidth, connectionWindowHeight);
connectionWindowRect=GUILayout.Window(0, connectionWindowRect, ConnectWindow, titleMessage) ;