Parsing Error i cant figure out...

Im working on a card prototype game from a book, and i have just written some code with a Parsing Error i don’t understand…

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

//an Enum to track the possible states of Floating SCore
public enum FSState{

//FloatingScore can move itself on the screen following a bezier curve
public class FloatingScore : MonoBehaviour {
    public FSState        state = FSState.idle;
    [Serialize Field]
    private int            _score = 0; //the score field
    public string        scoreString;

    //The score property also sets scoreString when set
    public int score {
        get {
        set {
            _score = value;
            scoreString = Utils.AddCommasToNumber(_score);
            GetComponent<GUIText>().text = scoreString;

    public List<Vector3>     bezierPts; //bezier points for movement
    public List<float>         fontSizes; // bezier points for font scaling
    public float            timeStart = -1f;
    public float            timeDuration = 1f;
    public string            easingCurve = Easing.InOut; //uses easing in Utils.cs

    //the gameobject that will recieve the SendMessage when this is done moving
    public GameObject        reportFinishTo = null;

    //Set up the FloatingScore and Movement
    //Note the use of parameter defaults for eTimeS & eTimeD

    public void Init(List<Vector3> ePts, float eTimeS = 0, float eTimeD = 1) {
        bezierPts = new List<Vector3>(ePts);

        if (ePts.Count == 1) { // if there's only one point
            //then just go there
            transform.position = ePts[0];

        //If eTimes is the default, just start at the currnt time
        if (eTimeS == 0) {eTimeS = Time.time;}
        timeStart = eTimeS;
        timeDuration = eTimeD;

        state = FSState.pre; // set it to the pre state, ready to start moving

    public void FSCallback(FloatingScore fs){
        // When this callback is called by SendMessage,
        // add the score from the calling FloatingScore
        score += fs.score;

    void Update(){
        //If this is not moving, just return
        if (state == FSState.idle) return;
        // Get u from the current time and duration
        //u ranges from 0 to 1 (usually)
        float u = (Time.time - timeStart)/timeDuration;
        // Use Easign Class  from utils to curve the u value
        float uC = Easing.Ease (u, easingCurve);
        if (u<0) { // if u<0, then we shouldn't move yet
            state = FSState.pre;
            //Move to the initial point
            transform.position = bezierPts[0];
        } else {
            if (u>=1){//If u>=1, we're done moving
                uC = 1; //set uC=1 so we dont overshoot
                state =;
                if (reportFinishTo != null) { //If there's a callback GameObject
                    //Use the SendMessage to call the FSCallback method with this as a parameter
                    reportFinishTo.SendMessage("FSCallback", this);
                    // Now that the message has been sent
                    // Destroy this gameObject
                    Destroy (gameObject);
                }else {
                    //if there is nothing to callback then dont destroy this just let it stay still
                    state = FSState.idle;
            } else {
                // 0<=u<1, which means that this is active and moving
                state =;
            //Use Bezier curve to move this to the right point
            Vector3 pos = Utils.Bezier(uC, bezierPts);
            tranform.position = pos;
            if (fontSizes != null && fontSizes.Count>0){
                // If fontSizes has values in it
                // ...then adjust the fontSize of thsi GUIText
                int size = Mathf.RoundToInt(Utils.Bezier(uC, fontSizes));
                GetComponent,GUIText>().fontSize = size;


and i’m receiving the error
Assets/__Scripts/FloatingScore.cs(110,1): error CS8025: Parsing error

Parsing error is almost always an extra or missing bracket. It looks like you have an extra one. Delete the one on line 110 and see what happens.

I dunno man, i’ve followed and closed every bracket in the file, is there any other kind of parsing error?

if i comment out every line in my class FloatingScore except the closing bracket the problem goes away, but as soon as i comment in the variables with serialize field
the problem is back.