parsing error

I have this script but I got a parsing error and don’t know what to do about it…XD
I know little to nothing about codes so I am asking you.

[enabled][1] is not a member of the Component type. When you use just GetComponent(or GetComponent and a string as a type) you get back a Component type instead of something more specific. The code you included in your comment isn’t specific enough as to what component you’re trying to interact with that also has a member called [enabled][2]. The [enabled member][3] is typically gained by the [Behavior class][4].

[Anyways, your code below, you should include the script you’re trying to disable it will typically be done through generics(whats between angle brackets).][5] ← Please click the link and read about them

void SwitchWeapon(int index) 
	for (int i=0; i < nrWeapons; i++)    
		if (i == index) 

_ weapons*.gameObject.GetComponent().enabled = true; // ? What are you trying to enable?_
* {*
_ //weapons*.gameObject.SetActive(false);
weapons.gameObject.GetComponent().enabled = false; // ? What are you trying to disable?
You can also see this is not the first time this question has come up: [example][6]

